Harrow Cricket Club - Nets

Net Bookings
Net Bookings
Net Bookings For Members

The nets at our club are open on a carefully organised basis, at prescribed hours for our members use only, when they are not being used for club training sessions. This page covers guidance for such member bookings.

Ordinarily the hours they are available for bookings during the season are:

Sat-Sun  14:00 - 20:00

These times are subject to change at short notice depending on additional club requirements outside of our normal group training sessions.

Below are some key points:

  • All sessions must be booked in advance. You MUST NOT use the nets without a booking. Doing so risks the closure of the nets.
  • Sessions start on the hour and must finish promptly 10 minutes before the next session starts. Please aim to arrive as close to your start time as possible and leave promptly after your session is complete.
  • Players must bring their own protective equipment. Do not share equipment.
  • For juniors a parent or adult member of the player’s household must be on site.
How to Book
How To Book

Bookings must be through our online booking system. This system is for Harrow CC members only and should not be used to book one-to-one sessions or to invite anyone who is not a paid playing member of Harrow CC.

It has been put in place to enable us to manage use of the nets and allocate them as fairly as we can. We have tried to make it as straightforward as possible. The system has been set up so that:
  • members can book or take part in one, 50 minute session per day
  • members can book or take part in a maximum of two sessions in a week
  • a maximum of 4 playing members allowed per booking/net lane
  • members can book seven days in advance
We will review this on a weekly basis but with a fixed number of nets we need to ensure that there is fair and reasonable usage to allow as many members as possible the opportunity to use them.

All members using a net must be named in the booking, both players and those attending in a supporting capacity (eg, parents). This is to ensure we do not exceed maximum allowed numbers, and can contact trace in the event of a virus outbreak.

Nets are free to use for members. No guests are allowed. 

These guidelines and rules are subject to change. We may make adjustments once we ascertain demand.

The link to the online booking system is sent to all members by email. You will be asked to register when you first use the online booking calendar.